Kiwi Windows – a team of experts in uPVC windows and doors.
We help Kiwis to make their homes warm and comfortable with quality double glazed window systems.

Kiwi Windows is an established supplier of German engineered uPVC double glazed doors and uPVC windows. Situated in Mt. Wellington, we are no ordinary reseller window company, but produce our own tailor made products from our own factory. Our both budget and premium double glazing solutions meet New Zealand requirements to UV stability and uPVC formula. Our premium BRANZ approved double glazing is produced with a frame system that uses a profile that is imported from one of the leading European brands. So, customers can expect reliably produced and locally manufactured double glazing from Auckland, but remain assured of some of the best performing products around thanks to the superior design properties that offer great thermal insulation and lower draughts.

Kiwi Windows has reinvested over the years so that it can supply customers with some exceptionally favourable pricing. By using the latest technologies and having developed lean manufacturing processes, cost savings are passed on to our customers. However, this is no cheap operation and the highly qualified workers we employ bring all of their expertise to every set of new windows we produce. Many of them have a significant number of years’ experience behind them. As window manufacturers, we are driven by providing the highest degree of customer service possible. This extends from manufacturing to high standards as well as offering a safe and reliable window installation process that means each product is fitted expertly and on time.
As our mission, the team at Kiwi Windows would say that it is to provide New Zealanders with world class standards for their windows and doors which will help them stay comfortable at all times of the year, regardless of the weather.